Houston Used Stereo Equipment
Teac rtr
Vintage and Pre-owned Stereo Equipment

"It's not what you would expect at a flea market!"

Email: Gary Reiser at gary@soundsgoodtomehouston.com
Phone: 713.385.4933

Website: soundsgoodtomehouston.com


Star Sapphire Turntable

w/original boxes

8/10 Condition

Beautiful, well maintained, analog rig. If you've got a Phono Input on your preamp/receiver, this is a great plug-and-play setup.


*Power Supply/Vacuum Pump

*Record Clamp

*Sumiko Premier FT-3 Arm w/PIB phono interface/cable

*Sumiko Talisman Alchemist III MM Cartridge

Original Boxes and Manual Included

Original price was $3245.00 in 1984.

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